Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Ranting Sunday

Austin is finally getting some much needed precipitation and one the one hand I couldn't be happier.  On the other hand though, what is it about the rain that makes a diva sleepy as hell??  I mean my B12 did not kick in at ALL this weekend and I must've slept 30 hours.  Look at me...I'm up now and yawning.  This is ridiculous.

Hottie Trainer (YES that's his name!) said that we need to change my workout.  Could you see my eyes rolling?  I pretended to bat my eyelashes.  What IS it with the athletic?  I mean sure I can definitely admire him for all his tall blonde and blue hotness, but if he's not careful he's going to irk my last nerve.  Then what am I going to do?  His plan works...he's delectable eye candy motivation...but man all this exercise is ... is like ... how can I put this delicately... WORK.  Needless to say, with the rain, a diva didn't work out today.  I drove to Wendy's to get some chili and a lemonade (no snitching me out about the lemonade b/c Hottie Trainer says "only water and not that crystal light junk either"... yeah me too).

So on my way to Wendy's I'm noticing how many people drive in the damn rain without their headlights on.  WTF???  I understand that YOU can see...but a bitch CAN'T SEE YOU!!  Between the water coming off your tires, to the water falling on your car...your shit blends in.  I'm sorry.  Even you yellow taxis and neon sporty cars.  That is the most aggravating thing for someone that has had an accident and is now paranoid about all turns that are not directed by a green arrow.  I admit my contacts need an upgrade and you are not helping the situation by refusing to let your 'automatic' lights go on.  I guess that's what baffles me the most.  Every car after like 2000 comes with automatic daytime running lights.  So how the eff can anyone drive on purpose, in the rain, with no lights is beyond my realm of reason.

After Wendy's, I settled in for a night of family un-friendly adult cartoons.  Family Guy and the Simpsons.  The Simpsons actually made me laugh twice, but Family Guy showed back to back reruns.  WTF???  Has Seth McFarlane run out of material?  Surely not!  So I turned to old faithful: American Greed on CNBC.  How's this for incredible:

Geeky guy studies investment banking and turned $80K into a $240M ponzi scheme.  WITH a harem of 15 women.  When I say geeky...I mean Bill Gates is hot compared to this guy.  There is not enough money in the world in my opinion to replace physical attraction.  Then HLN has been showing murder/death/kill lately on Saturday and Sunday.  Here's something else that blew my mind today:

Guy is brought up on murder charges, somehow skips the country but gets caught in Amsterdam.  Evidently the only way Amsterdam was going to 'allow' extradition back to the US was if they did NOT prosecute him on the murder charges.  What????????  They said that we could charge him with phony passport and such but that's it.  No justice for the victim's family.  That is fracking incredible.  He got 14 yrs for the falsifying passport documents and identification thing.  Once he serves that time, he can be charged with murder.  Surely that will happen because those cops have nothing else to do but remember that particular case.  sheesh

So those were things that blew my mind today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Diet "Breakthrough"...Or So Him Says

Yesterday around 4pm CST, I found myself mystified by Dr. Oz.  Now normally, I try my best to steer away from his show, and as I was perusing the cable guide to see what else was on, he said something to catch my immediate attention.  Needless to say, I ended up watching half the show.  Enough to get what I felt was 'important.'

My thing about Dr. Oz is that there is always a "breakthrough" something.  Be it fat burner, diet, exercise, cancer killer, whatever...every single show has some kind of ground-breaking discovery.  Hence why I try to not watch.  I will admit I started watching when I had to take a mental health vacation from work but that is precisely when I noticed that every single show has this cutting edge knowledge that has never before been discussed.  Or so him claimed.  I'm not knocking Ms. O's Dr.  I'm just not happy with his marketing campaign.  Onward we forge about why he held my attention through commercials for 30 minutes yesterday.

It seems the good Dr has done a 14 day study with about 100 or so participants (according to the show) on something called ... wait for it ...

Not to be confused with regular coffee that you add cream and sugar to (and if you're me, let McDonald's blend into a frappĂ© for you).  It's a supplement.  One that, like everything else he talks about, I have never heard of.  What caught my attention (because I was trying to find something else to watch remember) were these words:
weight loss, no dieting, no lifestyle change
So now I'm hooked right.  Now you're hanging on my every typed word like I was glued to the good Dr on TV.

In their study, half the participants received a placebo and half received the supplement.  Dr. showed us what both of them looked like and you could not visually tell the difference between the two.  The participants were asked to keep a food journal and take the "pill" 30 minutes prior to eating 3 times a day.  Here's the great thing about it...the results were discussed BEFORE the audience was told who was given the placebo and who was given the real supplement.  Shocking!  The results...EVERYONE lost weight. (Now I'm REALLY interested).

The average was 1-2 lbs/week, which the Dr. says is a healthy rate of weight loss.  Naturally, those that took the supplement lost closer to the 2 lbs/week.  Neither group increased their exercise habits.  One woman said she literally ate everything that was "not nailed down" and still lost 4 lbs.  It was then conveniently revealed that she was given the supplement.

So...those of us who loathe exercise may finally have that little magic pill we've been praying for.  Though not the best idea for long-term "health," it may be a quick fix for short-term weight loss.  In other words, it could very well be your will power in a bottle for the following diet plans:
Summer Slimdown
Get Yo Fine On
Cutting back for the Cruise
Knock 'em Dead 30 Yr Reunion
-You get the idea.

Now recently, I have lost about 15 lbs.  The last 5 or so have been with the help of a totally hot trainer.  Lawd it is hard to be cute while you are sweating and out of breath...but pretending to not be out of breath.  So every time he looks the other way, you want to collapse but catch yourself just in time for him to turn around and you pretend you're an Olympian that's only slightly off her game, giggling up a storm while you ask him how to do what he just said one more time (so you can make a feeble attempt at catching your breath from the last set you just did).  Sorry.  Tangent. 

The other 10 lbs I lost while I was on the road traveling.  You would think that without access to a kitchen, and eating out for every single meal I would gain weight.  But I managed to lose about 10 lbs.  Mind you these are the 10 that have not come back.  Everyone's weight goes up and down.  I was trying to figure out how that happened. 

I ate carbs.  Jimmy John's and I became really close friends.  I had pizza (love Papa John's).  I even had burgers and fried foods at nice restaurants.  Still lost weight.  The good Dr. said that the power of the mind speaks volumes.  Remember the people that took the placebo still lost weight too.  Maybe I said I was going to go to the gym enough times, my body just decided to start letting go of the pounds for me so that I wouldn't kill (read: seriously injure) myself at the gym.  Maybe it was the regular eating spread throughout the day.  I have a per diem, and best believe I ate my three meals/day.  Who knows.  I sho don't care!  I'm happy either way.  Now that I've been home for about a month, the weight hasn't come back.

If you're going to get the supplement and try your own study, Dr. Oz encourages you to share your results on his website.  You can Google that.  Here is what you have to bear in mind when you shop for this supplement.  I would suggest Whole Foods or the Vitamin Shoppe if you want to buy it at a physical store.  I'm sure you can find it online easily but be wary of the following:
-If it has Dr. Oz' name or photo on it...DON'T BUY IT!!!-he said that on his show...real talk.
-If you can't read the ingredients (either they aren't shown or they aren't legible)...DON'T BUY IT!!!

Ingredients MUST include:
At least 45% Chlorogenic Acid
0 Fillers/Binders/Artificial Ingredients (Google every ingredient you don't recognize)

The test group took 400mg supplements.
I might try it.  If I do, I will definitely update this post with my progress.  If YOU try it please understand:
I am in no way shape or form a paid spokesperson for the Dr. Oz show nor am I a paid spokesperson for this product/supplement.  Please be sure to consult with your regular, real-life Dr before starting ANY diet or exercise plan including ones talked about by people on TV or the Internet.  :-)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Night Contemplations

Hello everyone in netland!
So I'm sitting here watching "reality tv" and realize that this is so scripted it's ridonculous.  Most of you have already come to this realization, however, for me...the whole point in reality tv is to escape into that magical real-world of make believe.  When it becomes unbearably obvious that it's fake, it kind of takes the 'escape' part out of the equation making it pointless to watch.

Cable tv is slowly becoming my arch nemesis.  I can't live without it because there aren't enough books yet published filled with sex and/or pictures to hold my attention.  Yes I said it.  Here I am, a thirty-something year old woman that cannot read literature for what it is (or rather what it should be).  There has to be an entertainment factor.  None of that lesson to learn/moral stuff or ongoing diatribes/babble and overuse of hyperbole to say something in twenty words instead of five.  Kind of like how I just did.

Fifty Shades of Grey is the last book (or set of books) I have read.  Thoroughly enjoyable.  Lots of sex.  LMAO.  I honestly don't understand why the books were so "controversial."  Black women who know authors like Zane and Cairo, probably would find this book rated PG by comparison.  The only taboo issue becomes evident by the third chapter and that's the only thing that makes it steamy.  But that's just my opinion.  Some of the terminology was seriously unfamiliar territory for me so I actually had to Google some things.  Maybe that's what the hoopla is all about...women just want to read their sexy books and not have to look up what words mean to understand what makes the book sexy.  I dunno.

But back to cable.  If I turn off the cable, I'm forced to find ways to entertain my cats which really become much like children.  The very reason why I have cats is because they are far more independent than dogs (generally speaking) until they notice that you aren't paying attention to them...and actually feel like being paid attention to.  My cats in particular love to bother me when I'm doing something.  I think its annoyingly cute but if I wasn't doing anything it would be worse.  They have more energy than I do and that's not what I signed up for.  I kind of signed up for the company factor (i.e. not being totally alone in my apartment, hearing the pitter patter of their paws on my hardwood floors).

So cable.  There are literally a thousand channels and the same shit is on all of them.  Every day.  When I say every day, I mean literally every single day.  They have no playlist.  I don't know why that is.  It would seem to be a requirement of having the zillions of choices for channels.  Then again, it makes me think that cable tv ratings aren't as important as ordinary tv ratings.  Otherwise they wouldn't show the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and get the idea.

For that matter, what in the world has happened to ordinary tv?  Remember when tv shows would last from September until December?  What is with this new half-a-semester/season thing?  Me no likey, so me no watchey.  Hence the cable.  Yet lately, I find myself watching the same channels:
HBO for True Blood - now over, and the Newsroom - also over now,
Showtime for Weeds - which I keep missing so I have to record it
Lifetime for Drop Dead Diva - now over
CNBC for American Greed
MSNBC for the "murder/death/kill" type shows
Cartoon Network.
Of all the channels, CN gets the most airplay in this apt.  I think I've seen nearly every episode of Family Guy, King of the Hill, and American Dad but they never get old.  Yet flipping through the guide and seeing what is on at the moment on the premium channels has me constantly thinking "wasn't that shit on yesterday?" or worse "aren't they showing the same damn thing on the OTHER HBO channel?"  So I guess I'll hold onto it until I feel that it is seriously financially unnecessary.  Then I will remind myself that without cable, I can only get 8 channels of PBS so I'll end up keeping it.
Not sure what else to write now, so ...
K. Bye!