Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Ranting Sunday

Austin is finally getting some much needed precipitation and one the one hand I couldn't be happier.  On the other hand though, what is it about the rain that makes a diva sleepy as hell??  I mean my B12 did not kick in at ALL this weekend and I must've slept 30 hours.  Look at me...I'm up now and yawning.  This is ridiculous.

Hottie Trainer (YES that's his name!) said that we need to change my workout.  Could you see my eyes rolling?  I pretended to bat my eyelashes.  What IS it with the athletic?  I mean sure I can definitely admire him for all his tall blonde and blue hotness, but if he's not careful he's going to irk my last nerve.  Then what am I going to do?  His plan works...he's delectable eye candy motivation...but man all this exercise is ... is like ... how can I put this delicately... WORK.  Needless to say, with the rain, a diva didn't work out today.  I drove to Wendy's to get some chili and a lemonade (no snitching me out about the lemonade b/c Hottie Trainer says "only water and not that crystal light junk either"... yeah me too).

So on my way to Wendy's I'm noticing how many people drive in the damn rain without their headlights on.  WTF???  I understand that YOU can see...but a bitch CAN'T SEE YOU!!  Between the water coming off your tires, to the water falling on your car...your shit blends in.  I'm sorry.  Even you yellow taxis and neon sporty cars.  That is the most aggravating thing for someone that has had an accident and is now paranoid about all turns that are not directed by a green arrow.  I admit my contacts need an upgrade and you are not helping the situation by refusing to let your 'automatic' lights go on.  I guess that's what baffles me the most.  Every car after like 2000 comes with automatic daytime running lights.  So how the eff can anyone drive on purpose, in the rain, with no lights is beyond my realm of reason.

After Wendy's, I settled in for a night of family un-friendly adult cartoons.  Family Guy and the Simpsons.  The Simpsons actually made me laugh twice, but Family Guy showed back to back reruns.  WTF???  Has Seth McFarlane run out of material?  Surely not!  So I turned to old faithful: American Greed on CNBC.  How's this for incredible:

Geeky guy studies investment banking and turned $80K into a $240M ponzi scheme.  WITH a harem of 15 women.  When I say geeky...I mean Bill Gates is hot compared to this guy.  There is not enough money in the world in my opinion to replace physical attraction.  Then HLN has been showing murder/death/kill lately on Saturday and Sunday.  Here's something else that blew my mind today:

Guy is brought up on murder charges, somehow skips the country but gets caught in Amsterdam.  Evidently the only way Amsterdam was going to 'allow' extradition back to the US was if they did NOT prosecute him on the murder charges.  What????????  They said that we could charge him with phony passport and such but that's it.  No justice for the victim's family.  That is fracking incredible.  He got 14 yrs for the falsifying passport documents and identification thing.  Once he serves that time, he can be charged with murder.  Surely that will happen because those cops have nothing else to do but remember that particular case.  sheesh

So those were things that blew my mind today.

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