On 1/25 I decided I was going to start taking the A.C.E. supplement. I totally meant to keep a log of what happened every day. This is what I remember of my first week:
Day One - I took one pill first thing when I got up. Didn't really feel jittery or anxious. Forgot to drink a lot of water (or watered down sweet tea) but didn't really notice anything major except that I was totally not hungry until around 5 that evening. I also noticed that I was super focused and had some serious energy. I've been chronically (by my own diagnosis) fatigued since I was like 23 and naps are a daily necessity for me to function like normal adults. That said, I noticed on this supplement I did not get easily distracted, and I could stay in the "zone" for hours which was great!
Day Two - Didn't take it. Immediately noticed I couldn't focus and I was tired. Genuinely tired. Hungry? I snacked all day. Still forgot the watered down sweet tea.
Day Three - Took one pill with breakfast (I think I had cereal). I didn't feel as "up" but I did still feel as focused and in the zone.
That's all I remember. I know I committed to not taking it every day because I wasn't sure how I was going to react to it and I didn't want to become addicted to the focused side-effect...if you can call it that. I didn't weigh myself either.
Since the first week, I've been taking the supplement off and on. Consistency is an issue with me because I tend to shy away from routines. But summer is right around the corner and if I'm going to put this body in a swimsuit and out on public display any time soon...I've got some work to do. So since tomorrow is April 1st, and the 1st is always a good day to start anything...I'm going to start this A.C.E. thing over...and...wait for it...wait for it...throw in a little...gasp...exercise. God that was so hard to type. Nothing too crazy. Just a little something to see if I can not feel so dragged down. This time around, I'll post every day so y'all can stay up on what's happening and I'm not going off memory. It will be more like a diary thing...probably a new blog devoted to my A.C.E. experience.
Okay. Well that's pretty much it.
4/08 Update...
ReplyDeleteSo I said I was going to start taking A.C.E. again on 4/01 and I kind of did that. I took it on 4/01 and forgot to take it the rest of the week. I'm a genius.
I've taken it today at like 9:15ish and I'm sleepy...it's only 1:02 CST. I didn't take it with any food or anything. I'm thinking about grabbing a protein shake and see if that's not the problem. If that's not the problem we may need to get really creative.
Sometime this week, I'm going to try these workouts (most likely Tue/Thu/Sat):
Update: http://judielady.blogspot.com/2013/05/ace-update-consistency-is-key.html