Monday, May 20, 2013

A.C.E. Update - Consistency is KEY

After taking this product for several weeks now, I feel safe in saying I recommend it.

I've been on ACE for a while now.  My issue is that I am not consistent in taking the supplement.  When I take it, I don't feel jittery, hungry or anxious.  I am focused and can actually get a lot of work done.

Drink, drink, drink!!!
You absolutely must drink at least 32 oz of water with this supplement (my personal recommendation, and this has not been approved or endorsed by any type of medical advisor whatsoever).  My suggestion is to get some of the new Crystal Light water flavor and drink 8 oz when you initially take the supplement.  Then, continue to hydrate yourself throughout the day.

Your body does get used to the supplement and you are able to take naps while on it after a while.  I tend to have a daily nap (don't ask) and this doesn't interfere with my sleep.  I wake up a lot less groggy than when I just go to bed normally (like most people need some "wake up time" after getting their 8 hours, but this takes that away).  I wouldn't go as far as saying I feel "refreshed" after my nap or after sleeping for the night, but it does take me less time to get moving after I wake up.  Hopefully that makes sense.

Added focus
Substantially less hungry
-There is some type of digestive aide (I think) in the supplement because you notice a difference when taking it compared to not taking it if you're one of those "need-a-daily-probiotic-or-some-type-of-digestive-health-aid" people like myself.  I don't like Metamucil, and found Fiber One powder to be effective but expensive.  Again, just my personal experience (non-medically evaluated nor endorsed) and I can't say the results will be identical for you.

I totally recommend this product and if you are going to take it have the following suggestions...
1-Talk to your Dr FIRST!!!  Take a copy of the ingredients and discuss with your primary care Dr to make sure you won't mess yourself up with any medication interactions or otherwise.

2-BE CONSISTENT!!  You have to be diligent in taking the supplement daily, AND drinking fluids throughout the day!

3-Move around a bit.  Go dancing.  Run the vacuum.  Garden.  Play with the pets.  Just add some level of activity to your life if you're sitting down all day on your job.  A great tip is to park farther away from the door at work.

4-Think BEFORE you eat (understand how many calories you consume).  Know your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) and gradually cut that number down.   Here's an article that talks about how to calculate your BMR.  Again, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING ANY CALORIE CUTTING OR DIETING!

5- If you forget, tomorrow is another day!  While consistency is key, don't beat yourself up if you are forgetful or fall off the wagon.  Just get up, dust yourself off, and try again!  :-)

Where to buy:
Kristen Creech - my personal AND TRUSTED A.C.E. sales professional
Click on "ABOUT ME" in the upper right hand corner to get the sample, to try it out before you commit to a full supply.

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