Friday, January 25, 2013

Physical Upgrade w/A.C.E. Diet

Hi all!
In my last post, I talked about making some upgrades to my life.  This was an extension of the pre '13 upgrade post, being more specific as to what I was upgrading.  So this is going to be the kick off point for my physical upgrade.  Think of it as a metamorphosis.

Now I have my own personal reasons for wanting to change my outer self to reflect a chic, sophisticated, and classy chic...that screams upscale!  Why?  So I can attract the man I've been looking for of course.  Everyone "looks" at a corvette, but few buy.  You'll get that later if you keep thinking about it.  Mind you, I love my curvaceous self and will always be that way.  I'm just going to condense it down and then dress myself up in more refined packaging.

So I'm on FB and I see an old co-worker raving about this product called A.C.E.  It's an acronym that stands for Appetite Control and Energy.  <Click on the name to learn about the product.  I plan to only buy this from Kristen because that's where my personal connection lies.  Click on this link to buy but read the rest of the post before you do!  Buy A.C.E. here.

Now I'm no pusher so I try to do my research.  One of my goals for the '13 was to not be a patsy.  There are some things you should know about the product as they alarmed me (but not enough to not try it out for myself).  I'm going to share my concerns with you not to dissuade you from buying the product, but to point out what stood out to me.  Think of it as a consumer pre-review.

This product has 180 mg of Caffeine.  That sounds like a lot.  Is it a lot?  I have no idea.  I'm not a Dr.  I vote you ask your Dr if it is.
This product also has dimenthylpentylamine.  After you figure out how to pronounce this word, you should probably Google it.  It is a stimulant.  Mind you, methinks this is what helps you burn calories or raise your metabolism in conjunction with the vitamin B6, but if anyone has taken diet pills before it's this woman!  One thing I hate is feeling like my heart is racing.  Here are the side effects of dimenthylpentylamine according to WebMD (by the way, I know several health care professionals that swear WebMD is the devil so again, this is one to ask your Dr about).

That said, those two ingredients are my concern.  I don't like feeling jittery.  My personal reference for this product says you must drink a lot of water.  I found a blogger that substituted water for sweet tea and still had results.  So I'm going with that.  Not to mention, Great Value has lots of water flavor thingies that are sweetened with Stevia...not aspartame since that is truly the Devil/enemy!  So between my 2 quart jug of sweet tea (1/2 cup sugar) I think I'll be okay.  One of these days, I'm going to figure out how many points that breaks down to.  I joined Weight Watchers.

On the Weight Watchers note, the Special K protein shakes and Spiru-Tein protein powder mixed with vanilla almond milk (Blue Diamond in the refrigerator section at the grocery store) are both only 5 points!  Just tossing that out there.  The Spiru-Tein chocolate and strawberry taste like a milkshake with the vanilla almond milk.  If you get the fruity one, I strongly suggest you ONLY mix it with orange juice...but I haven't had that one in a while so I haven't calculated the points for that combo.  Back to A.C.E.

So I've placed my order and I got my email confirmation.  Please pay attention to your email if you order.  There will be information in there about "auto shipments."  You want to deactivate this function ASAP!  Like the day you get the email for your account so you don't forget.  That little gem of information is free but can save you a fortune if you're not prepared to continue to purchase the product.  Since I'm trying it out, I haven't decided if I'm going to do the auto ship thing or not. 

You also have the option to just order samples (< click "samples").  This will allow you to avoid the auto ship.
I will write again once I receive my order and start taking the supplements.  I'm drinking sweet tea or water with great value flavors (that use Stevia instead of sugar or aspartame).  I'll continue to think about exercising.  lol


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Upgrading in the '13

So my last blog was about upgrading.  After careful consideration I've decided that I need to upgrade several areas of my life. 

I joined Weight Watchers because seeing Jennifer looking so fabulous, and watching Shahs of Sunset made me just want to starve myself thin.  Realizing that about five seconds after I thought about never eating again, I was hungry, I quickly concluded that approach wasn't going to work.  So I forked over some cash to join Weight Watchers.

Doing the program online is like $18/mo or something.  Very minimal and very tricky.  Tricky in the sense of you trick yourself into thinking "this is easy...just have to put in everything I eat."  I have short term memory issues, so I'm finding this to be a challenge.  Nonetheless, I will keep everyone in blog land posted on the progress.

Why lose weight?
The kind of man I'm attracted to is physically fit.  While there are men out there that like women as curvaceously fierce as myself, I don't like myself.  I mean when you're thankful that the mirror is not directly across from the's time to consider why you don't like looking at your own self nekkid.  Not to mention, if you don't like looking at you nekkid...should someone else?

Men are attracted to confidence.  So to up my confidence factor (and not rely solely upon my stilettos and wigs to carry the burden) I need to feel that I look better than Beyoncé, Lilly, and all them skinny bitches (I say that out of love) when THIS bitch is nekkid.  So I'm upgrading my figure.  lol

I watch entirely too much damn TV.  Nothing good is on TV.  The more I watch it, the more I find wrong with it.  For example, Dr. Oz taking down Sally Hansen.  I mean seriously?  We need better things to watch than the "gel nail polish may cause cancer".  Friggin everything causes cancer.  Why?  Because everyone has cancer-ous (sp?) cells in their system already.  How do I know this?  I already told too much damn TV.

So instead of watching so much television, I'm going to write more.  When I feel the urge to flip on the TV I'm going to turn on some music instead.  I'm going to limit myself to 4 hrs a day if I can.  Keep in mind the TV is on all day currently.  So 4 hours is going to be a giant leap for me.  I've downloaded some books on my Kindle without sex or pictures so I'll start with reading those.  When I get bored, or inspiration hits me, I'll work on my novella (of the written type).

Now everyone I know is living paycheck to paycheck.  I'm no different.  I was actually upset that I was working for more than my typical allotment of hours yesterday (oh, and the TV didn't get turned on until about 5:30p because of it).  Just issue after issue and I was starting to feel like I felt when I worked in Hell.  Those of you that worked there with me know of which employer I'm referring.  Nonetheless, I need to get paid more.  The only way that's going to happen is if I get another job (been there, done that, and will NEVER "willingly" do that again!), or get promoted.

Fortunately for me, my boss doesn't hate me.  I'm not sure he fancies me, but I do know he doesn't hate me.  I do have a bit of a problem with confidence because the corporate universe is all about outshining your peers.  But I need not feel incompetent nor have a lack of confidence.  I just do because I'm paranoid about being "disposable."  Everyone is.  Nonetheless, I need to be more of the "can I help do anything" employee rather than the "lemme see if they give me something else to do" employee.  The latter employee used to really piss me off when I worked at Hell and now that I work from home...I've realized I've slowly regressed into one of these kinds of employees due to one fact: I'm exhausted!

I've had 3 jobs at once before, worked 2 jobs and gone to school before, and since being in management and consulting...learned that salary is the new slavery.  Now that I know what my limitations are, I refuse to reach them when I work from home.  That in and of itself is supposed to reduce my stress level.  Either way, I have to figure out a way to take on more (so I can get more exposure and publicity of the positive nature) without increasing my stress level.  I'm fairly intelligent so this shouldn't be too too difficult.  If all else fails...thank God for Prozac.

So as the '13 get movin, I've got to do the same.  America has become the land of the lazy and I'm determined to not be part of THAT norm.  Just my opinion.  It's my blog, and I can express my opinion all I want to.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Damn Those Skinny Bitches

Don't go judging my post by it's title.  Mo'Nique actually coined the "skinny bitch" phrase.  As for my own personal experience, I have only met a handful of women that are slim, attractive, AND nice.  Evidently Mo feels the same way.

Since it is the '13, I've been evaluating my life and things I want to change.  Commercials are evil.  They seem to have a magic way to point out my inadequacies.  Ok maybe they just make me feel inadequate because of the casting.  Damn casting managers.

Lately I've been watching television as part of my inspiration process, and I've discovered something.  There are four skinny bitches that I really idolize.  These for ladies make me want to up my physical game and I don't even know them, have never met them, and would probably come to tears if I did.

Skinny Bitch One: Lilly Ghalichi
She's like a size 00 Kim Kardashian.  She seems super sweet to add insult to injury.  She's from Texas, so she knows how to rock the big hair and everything else about her is pretty much perfect.  If I were to be reincarnated Persian...I'd want to be her.

Skinny Bitch Two: Beyoncé
Yes I said Beyoncé.  Originally, I was not a B fan but she has grown on me.  It seems like motherhood has really upped her likeability factor with me and I am now a fan.  She may not consider herself skinny, but by my definition she most certainly is in the single digits in dress sizes...that's skinny.  She's a working mom, mogul, and she even cries pretty (youtube search that video).  It's so not fair for regular women.  At least her contribution is creating anthems for us regular women.

Skinny Bitch Three: Gretchen Rossi
Pamela Anderson has nothing on Gretchen.  Point blank and the period (Tamar Braxton).  Gretchen puts the bubbly in bubbly blonde, and is making a good name for herself business wise.  Beauty and brains is always a good combination.  Plus everything on her is au naturale (no fake boobs, no injections besides botox).  She may not be Barbie, but she's pretty darn close to me.

Finally, Skinny Bitch Four:  All those damn Victoria's Secret models
I'm so glad the holidays are over.  Or so I thought.  If I saw that "tell me you love me ... tell me there's no other woman in the world like me" commercial for give your boo VS for Christmas one more damn time I thought I would hang myself with my cellular phone cord.  If you're not laughing, something is wrong with you...cellular phones don't have cords.  Nonetheless, now they are doing their Spring they're all oiled up and showing off their perfect abs and tight buns in bikinis.  Makes me not want to eat anything but air for the rest of my natural life.

These women don't set out to make us feel like crap...they just have a natural way of doing it incidentally. 

Oh who am I kidding.  They do want us to feel like crap.  That is the very nature of a woman: make that other bitch jealous.

Ladies, this is a rant.  Nothing more. 

Because I believe you can't complain if you're not trying to do something about your situation...I went ahead and joined Weight Watchers online.  Maybe it was Jennifer.  Maybe it was Jessica.  Maybe it was my SB4 that pushed me over the edge, but dangit I'm claiming MY sexy back in the '13! 

Now to go find a treadmill that will fit under my bed.