Thursday, January 24, 2013

Upgrading in the '13

So my last blog was about upgrading.  After careful consideration I've decided that I need to upgrade several areas of my life. 

I joined Weight Watchers because seeing Jennifer looking so fabulous, and watching Shahs of Sunset made me just want to starve myself thin.  Realizing that about five seconds after I thought about never eating again, I was hungry, I quickly concluded that approach wasn't going to work.  So I forked over some cash to join Weight Watchers.

Doing the program online is like $18/mo or something.  Very minimal and very tricky.  Tricky in the sense of you trick yourself into thinking "this is easy...just have to put in everything I eat."  I have short term memory issues, so I'm finding this to be a challenge.  Nonetheless, I will keep everyone in blog land posted on the progress.

Why lose weight?
The kind of man I'm attracted to is physically fit.  While there are men out there that like women as curvaceously fierce as myself, I don't like myself.  I mean when you're thankful that the mirror is not directly across from the's time to consider why you don't like looking at your own self nekkid.  Not to mention, if you don't like looking at you nekkid...should someone else?

Men are attracted to confidence.  So to up my confidence factor (and not rely solely upon my stilettos and wigs to carry the burden) I need to feel that I look better than Beyoncé, Lilly, and all them skinny bitches (I say that out of love) when THIS bitch is nekkid.  So I'm upgrading my figure.  lol

I watch entirely too much damn TV.  Nothing good is on TV.  The more I watch it, the more I find wrong with it.  For example, Dr. Oz taking down Sally Hansen.  I mean seriously?  We need better things to watch than the "gel nail polish may cause cancer".  Friggin everything causes cancer.  Why?  Because everyone has cancer-ous (sp?) cells in their system already.  How do I know this?  I already told too much damn TV.

So instead of watching so much television, I'm going to write more.  When I feel the urge to flip on the TV I'm going to turn on some music instead.  I'm going to limit myself to 4 hrs a day if I can.  Keep in mind the TV is on all day currently.  So 4 hours is going to be a giant leap for me.  I've downloaded some books on my Kindle without sex or pictures so I'll start with reading those.  When I get bored, or inspiration hits me, I'll work on my novella (of the written type).

Now everyone I know is living paycheck to paycheck.  I'm no different.  I was actually upset that I was working for more than my typical allotment of hours yesterday (oh, and the TV didn't get turned on until about 5:30p because of it).  Just issue after issue and I was starting to feel like I felt when I worked in Hell.  Those of you that worked there with me know of which employer I'm referring.  Nonetheless, I need to get paid more.  The only way that's going to happen is if I get another job (been there, done that, and will NEVER "willingly" do that again!), or get promoted.

Fortunately for me, my boss doesn't hate me.  I'm not sure he fancies me, but I do know he doesn't hate me.  I do have a bit of a problem with confidence because the corporate universe is all about outshining your peers.  But I need not feel incompetent nor have a lack of confidence.  I just do because I'm paranoid about being "disposable."  Everyone is.  Nonetheless, I need to be more of the "can I help do anything" employee rather than the "lemme see if they give me something else to do" employee.  The latter employee used to really piss me off when I worked at Hell and now that I work from home...I've realized I've slowly regressed into one of these kinds of employees due to one fact: I'm exhausted!

I've had 3 jobs at once before, worked 2 jobs and gone to school before, and since being in management and consulting...learned that salary is the new slavery.  Now that I know what my limitations are, I refuse to reach them when I work from home.  That in and of itself is supposed to reduce my stress level.  Either way, I have to figure out a way to take on more (so I can get more exposure and publicity of the positive nature) without increasing my stress level.  I'm fairly intelligent so this shouldn't be too too difficult.  If all else fails...thank God for Prozac.

So as the '13 get movin, I've got to do the same.  America has become the land of the lazy and I'm determined to not be part of THAT norm.  Just my opinion.  It's my blog, and I can express my opinion all I want to.


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